Monday, March 30, 2015

Nutty Laws Around the World

The U.S. has its share of crazy or perplexing laws. For example, it's illegal to import Vegemite for commercial sale  (as though we have to worry about Americans wanting Vegemite). Australian expatriates can relax. Contrary to rumor, it's not illegal to bring Vegemite here for personal use. I'm relieved to know I'm not a a criminal after trying it (for the first and last time) when offered by an Australian actress during the run of our play. She wanted to make peanut butter similarly illegal in Australia.

 Around the world, there are other nutty laws.
  •  In Australia, you could be fined $90,000 for sharing a YouTube video  (it's not enforced). I'm not sure about Facebook.
  • It's also illegal in Australia to sharpen a Japanese katana sword, even though you may own one. Be careful what you grab to cut the turkey.
  • Don't wear camouflage patterns in Barbados. If the police catch you, you will be told to take it off on the spot, even in public. This is an ill-advised law as it may encourage exhibitionists.
  • In Toronto, Canada, it's illegal to drag a dead horse down Yonge street on Sundays. Wait until Monday.
  • In Egypt, don't get caught using binoculars near an airport. Squinting to watch planes take off and land is probably okay.
  • In Finland, it's okay to buy a shotgun at age 15, but teens will have to wait until age 18 to buy a sparkler.
  • In France, it's okay to name your pigs, but if you name any Napoleon, you could be prosecuted. I think maybe Leon would be okay.
  • In Germany, pillow fights are out as the law considers a pillow to be a weapon. No word yet about water balloons. 
  • If you move to New Dehli, India, you have a responsibility to beat warning drums if locusts invade the city. You can be fined 50 Rupees if you don't. I'd be in favor of adding warnings about politicians invading the city. 
  • If you dream of becoming a pig farmer in Israel, forget it. It's illegal unless for medical research. Okay, I may not be Jewish, but I get it. 
  • I'm guessing DISH or Direct TV have no customers in Malaysia. It's illegal to have a parabolic dish. Family members probably need to take turns standing on the roof wrapped in aluminum foil. 
  • It's unlawful in the Philippines for two unrelated men to ride tandem on a motorbike. I imagine that there is a sudden growth in the number of cousins in each family. 
  • Saudi Arabia is not the best country to start a music career. Public live music is illegal. 
  • If your family is shopping in Scotland cover the eyes of boys under 10 if you come upon a naked mannequin. If he sees it, the law has been violated. 
  • Don't chew gum in Singapore. However, pedestrian accidents are down as people are walking better without gum. 
  • In the United Arab Emirates, you can be arrested for kissing, hugging, or holding hands. That's especially true if you do that with someone else's wife. 
  • In England, you should know better than to wear a medieval costume to parliament. The law has been on the books since 1313. So far they've failed to ban medieval minds in parliament. We shouldn't point fingers, however. The U.S. Congress has its share of medieval mentality.

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