Tuesday, August 18, 2020

We May See Moon and Mars Colonies in Our Lifetimes


In my novella, Olympus, I describe a domed city where survivors of Earth’s apocalypse live to preserve the human race from extinction. The technology and world created borders on science fact rather than science fiction.

Some people may not realize how close we are to colonies on the Moon and Mars. We may see a Moon colony within the next five to ten years. Planning for a colony on Mars has already begun. NASA is involved, of course, but much of the technology and funding will come from private enterprise. This photo shows a vision of a Mars colony as designed by SpaceX, the company run by Elon Musk. If you are still asking the question, what for? Go to Google and enter the search “Why is space exploration so important?”

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Social Media is important for branding an author, but...

It's nice to have crossed a threshold on Twitter with 2,000 followers. Social media for an author is not about selfies and what I had for lunch (tuna salad, dry toast, a Duck donut--haha!) Seriously, the friendships gained and nourished are certainly important to me, especially my longtime friends. Love is a good word. In addition, it's about the brand--the more people who notice the author, the more likely they'll consider what I've written. Social media is absolutely critical during a pandemic when many bookstores are closed. But even better advice is, the best way to get one book noticed is to have more than one out there. So it's back to my writing desk to write the next sequel, or brand new story. I hope you take a look at my novella Olympus by Fred J. Lauver on Amazon Kindle Reader or through a free app download to your device.